Monday, November 14, 2011

Case of the Monday's

Good afternoon all! After a great weekend (aren't all weekends great least in my book), I have a serious case of the Monday's. I hope that I'm not getting sick, but on top of it being day 1 of 5 my head hurts, and I am so drowsy. Hopefully that will clear up after I soak in some of this great weather during lunch.
Here in the office you can tell, it's that kind of day...

To re-cap all we did this weekend...Friday was a pretty low-key night...I closed the week by starting my 5K training at the Y. I was very proud that I got through it and even ran longer and more than the "Couch to 5K" plan instructed. All this marathon buzz in the air lately has gotten me motivated...hopefully I'll be ready for the real deal in the Spring! Then, my parents came into town, and we went to dinner and came home and vegged on the couches.

Saturday Mom, Renee and I went to the Cottage Shop for their Christmas Open house. Then met back up with Dad, Steve and Dillon and all rode down to Hatteras. We were starving and needed our "energies" so we could walk on the beach, and explore. We stopped at Hatterasman...looked like a good hole-in-the-wall place to eat. Don't get me wrong it was good (my philly chzsteak was at least)...but watch out for those moldy buns..YIKES!
How random is seeing a Tri-Sigma sticker on the bench at Hatterasman? I dig it though...

 After lunch we drove down to the point and went on a great beach-combin' expedition!
 Renee and D lookin' for shells and sea glass...such a sweet picture :)
 The huge dune/cliff on my left as we walk along the beach
 My loot...all the cool shells and piece of excited! I wish I had my own 4WD vehicle-I'd be there all the time lookin' for neat stuff. I even found what we believe to be some sort of shark/dolphin vertebrae
 I also hadn't been to the lighthouse in forever so I made Dad stop so I could have a nice photo-op
Sunday morning bright and early we were woken up by the blaring music from the Sugar Creek restaurant at the crack of dawn for the least we woke up to this cute little face
This picture doesn't do the marathon justice...there were 1000s of people down for the race events this weekend. A shout-out to my friend, Anne, who ran the 1/2 Marathon and finished with an 11 minute improvement from her previous 1/2M time.
What a gorgeous day it was! Sunday was spent being lazy and watching the people run by, enjoying the sunshine, the company of family and football.

What did you do this weekend? Anything worth sharing?

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