Friday, November 11, 2011


I want to start out, in honor of Veteran's Day, with a shout-out to our Veterans, and those who are currently serving and just say thank you for everything you have done, and are doing.

As we all know, today is great we get to live though this day that no one can ever re-live!

This week I have 4 things that put a smile to my face:

1. First off, it is Friday...and after a long week full of all day meetings my morning needed DD...and boy was it delish!

2. Today, I am playing Miranda on the lyrics

3. When we were in Waves this week for our big company meeting I just had to sneak out for a second and snap a picture of the view right out side the window. A couple good things about that meeting in Waves...good food from Good Winds restaurant, and the view...amazing!

4. Lastly, I died when I saw this bike at the gym a few days fun is this?

I also took a few pictures while I was down in Waves, Salvo, Rodanthe this past week. It was my first time seeing the wreckage since Irene. For those of you who haven't been down to see it yet-or won't be here are a few (not the greatest-taken while driving) pictures
 The new bridge you now have to drive over...this is where the ocean breached over the land into the sound and created a new island! It was OK to drive over, but I couldn't get over how sketchy it looked.
 This is a pretty terrible picture, partly because I was driving across the sketchy bridge, and taking a picture through the slats of the side of the bridge. I don't know about you but it is crazy/freaky to me how this utility building is just hanging there on a cliff.

These are the houses you get to right when you get into Waves on your right. It is a cul-de-sac of houses. They are now waterfront due to the lake now out front of their door, but it doesn't matter because they can't get to them because the road/driveway is destroyed. Surreal and scary how the power of water can totally change things in such a short time.

Not to bring you down...but just wanted to share!! I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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