Friday, September 16, 2011

First Post!

Happy Friday!

I was sitting at work bored today and was looking through pictures of me and Dillon's wiener dog, Dezzie. Looking though the pictures I was remembering all the funny and stupid things our little doodle dog does from time to time. Thought that some of these things could make for a good story to share, and funny pictures to post.

Here's a picture of Dez posing with her bone. She's FINALLY getting used to her new home in Nags Head, NC--
there was a small struggle with this one getting acclimated--and the skeeters didn't help either!

I also thought to mix it up a bit so I don't seem like a single, white, female, dog lover, on a recliner, with a quilt, and a lifetime movie on the tube...I thought I would include some other stories to share-- Travel adventures...with my new job, and personal, a "3-things" post I'll do when the mood strikes (stolen from B), and anything else that comes up that would be fun to share.

Hope everyone enjoys the blog...I am new at this so bare with my work in progress! I'm excited!

Have a GREAT weekend...don't forget your sweatpants, fuzzy socks, and an umbrella though!

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